Friday, April 15, 2005

Friday, Friday, Friday!

Actually, I guess it doesn't matter to me as much anymore that it's Friday, other than that Tony will be off for the weekend. Today wasn't a bad day, considering. I did a bunch of household-y stuff and went to the Allergist and met Tony for lunch. And, so far, WIP-wise, I've gone from 2394 --> 3081 (687 words, 46,919 to goal). I might even get some more done later, but it's hard to say. We're meeting Tom at the house and then we have to run by the tax lady (the one that's married to the Mime) to pick up our taxes and mail them.

Hmmm, maybe I should make my goal 500 words a day. I've been beating that at least. Or just get my butt in gear.

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