Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Siren Songs

In another world,
I am a torch singer
--eyes closed--
singing my soul out
in whiskey darkened rooms
letting the music wrap
around me
like the arms of a long lost lover.
Casting spells.
Siren songs.

I don't care who listens,
don't care who hears--
it's the music that matters
drum beats heart beats
strumming fingers
across strings across skin
the pulse
of the
inside me...
can you hear it?

A lullaby
for lovers,
a swansong
for me.

(a poem that came to me this morning on the walk back from dropping little dude at school. I already have things I want to change and add to it, but I'm just going to leave it for now. Maybe someday. I'm not much of a poet anymore.)

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