Monday, April 16, 2018

No sugar in my coffee

Don't want no sugar in my coffee.
It makes me mean, Lord, it makes me mean.
(I don't want no)
Well you can trace
Lines in your face
But it's the way that your spirit makes you walk.
Though you hate
To see it gone
This old world's just put days on your floor.
And all I've seen
And all you've done
All it means
We'll be sorry when you're gone.
 --- Caught a Ghost

I've been listening to this song wrong. Somehow I never caught the "don't want" bit and I've been singing it as No sugar in my coffee, makes me mean, Lord, it makes me mean...

Oh well. No sugar in my coffee today. For real. Trying to cut it out because going on holiday to visit family put another few pounds on me when I already needed to lose a bunch. Also ran home today after dropping little dude off at school. That's the first I've run -- on purpose -- in a long time. I surprisingly managed to not barf and I ran nearly the whole way (so, like, a bit over a mile). Considering how out of shape I am, I'll take it. And I did 10 push ups. 

Not dead yet.

I really want to lose about 2 stone (about 28 lbs.). So I'm gonna start tracking that. Some kind of exercise a few times a week or maybe more...hopefully will be buying a car soon so I can get to a gym or maybe I'll just keep being cheap and try running. I've never been good at it. I run like a drunk baby calf. 

There's a gym not too far but just far enough that walking there and back after working out is a bit daunting. The closest thing is a yoga studio but I've never been good at yoga...mostly because once they start talking about "being one with the universe" and new age-y things like that I just get annoyed. It's like when the nurse wanted me to visualise a cottage in the woods while giving birth. That makes me stabby.

Well, we'll see. Gotta do something. 

Anyway, back to normal this week. The school break is over and little dude is back in school. Family visits over. No guests scheduled for a while. Still waiting to hear back from my agent, but this time it is on two different manuscripts, both hopefully out at two different publishers for consideration. So same old debate about working on something or waiting. 

Have had some Zen stuff I kind of want to write up. Maybe...but gotta go to the store first or there's no dinner tonight...

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