Monday, April 16, 2018

I can't be mean...

I can't be Zen. Like, I literally can't do it. I was earning some more hearts/hourglasses and playing through his route (partly because there was a free auto-save that was from Day 5 on his route and I didn't have to pay to load it) and I thought, hey, maybe I should try to get some of the other endings other than the good one and the normal one.


I have tried. I have managed, a few times, to be a little rude to Jaehee. But I just. can't. be. mean. to. Zen. 

This makes me curious. Is it just Zen? Or is it any of them? I get the feeling I could be mean to Yoosung, especially in the early days of his route where he's whining about Rika all the time. But I'm not sure. I might have to try, just to see.

I am obviously not a completionist. There is no way I'll ever be able to get more than 2 endings for Zen. I probably could manage to get another ending or two for Jumin because it'd be totally realistic to be freaking out and trying to escape his penthouse. Hmmm. Might be a good experiment, though it isn't really being mean, per se...just reasonably trying to save yourself from bodily harm.

I've actually got a  bit over 100 hourglasses now and can skip the beginning and go right into Jaehee's route. I thought I ought to try it. She's grown on me. V, on the other hand, can go hang. 

I think about this stuff WAY too much. 

And...there's, like, three other scenes I'm dying to write up. I should work on something else though...

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