Friday, November 23, 2018

ARGH. It's gone all Me Before You.

I honestly don't know what I'm feeling about Where Stars Land now. I'm about to start episode 29. Over the last, eh, I dunno, 5 episodes or so, it's been suggesting a Me Before You type storyline. Or at least something reminiscent of that.

Let's be honest. I didn't watch that stupid Me Before You movie. I boycotted it. Because I knew what it was about. You could call it the movie where "rich dude in wheelchair offs himself even though he's in love because he doesn't want to live disabled." FFS.

Okay, I'm not disabled. Or differently abled or whatever other term you want to use these days. But stories like that suggest that your life is worth LESS than a "normal" (please note the quotes because yeesh) person. Yes, life is harder. But that doesn't make it not worth fighting for. I had a few YEARS where I had trouble walking (or not able to walk at all) and was in constant pain (trigger point injections, steroids, too many drugs to combat the pain, physical therapy, etc. etc.) And I know how that might make you feel like giving up sometimes. But sweet jesus on a cracker, storylines that bow down to that are just so frustrating.

So...yeah...Seo Yoon continues to keep wearing the robotic/whatever arm and leg even though wearing them is actively killing him. In his head, he seems to want this "one perfect month" and then he's out. Done. Where's Yeo Reum in his plans? Just remembering him? Love should make you want to LIVE.

There's other frustrating stuff going on too, but this is the thing that's stuck in my craw. It's lazy. It's what this article describes as "disability death porn" and it totally is. A snuff film.

As it is a Kdrama and they usually tie things up fairly neatly/happily, I'm hoping for the best. But I'm still kinda pissed. If I'd known this was where it was headed in the beginning, I doubt that I would have watched it.

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