Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Psychic Princess

Ha, okay. So leaving aside for a moment that the intro/opening credits to this Chinese anime is quite possibly one of the weirdest I've seen with the strangest song and the title itself is iffy, Psychic Princess is actually very enjoyable. 

It's actually a kinda overused storyline for the base premise -- older sister has strange (i.e. spirit) talents and is sent away at a young age because she's seen as a "jinx" to Spirit Cloud Mountain while younger sister is a pampered, spoiled brat. Hmmm, yes, we can see our Happy Marriage parallels easily, though this one might have come before it. Then the emperor has arranged a marriage between the Grand Councillor's daughter to Prince Ye, but he has a reputation of being cold and heartless and evil Grand Councillor has plans AND younger daughter doesn't want to marry Ye either (until she sees him later and has regrets) so they recall the free spirited older sis and make her go through with the marriage, sort of holding her servants (Auntie Xu (?) and Qu'er) as hostages. 

So, at first it's the classic thing where he declares he doesn't want her anywhere near him (while she's hiding under a table, so he doesn't even see what she looks like) and sends her off to a busted up Serenity Palace building. But then she winds up running into him later dressed like a ninja, into one of his brothers who thinks she's a maid (and she shoulder throws him, much to his immediate joy; he crushes on her immediately) and into another brother, who witnesses her taming the untameable horse (Ye's). 

Meanwhile, our psychic princess (I have to think that the original Chinese is less goofy than the translation, but maybe not) has a ghost servant and soon adopts another one that's been haunting the Serenity Palace. They are called Mochi and Sesame. 

So while he doesn't trust her at first, she continues to intrigue him with her very non-princess-y ways. She knows martial arts, she argues with him all the time, she's not remotely demure, etc. etc. The consorts, including the former favourite, of course detest her. There's political machinations via her father. There are evil Taoist priests who want to steal her away. There are good fairies that become her friends. 

I finished season 1 and can't find season 2 (or, strangely enough, the manga/donghua/manhua version) even though there was news that it was supposed to be out in the 2023/2024 season, though in a weird 3d-ish animation style. I can find online translations and supposedly the season 1 of the anime covered up to around Chapter 130 (and there appear to be over 500 chapters). Taking a peek at the online version it has a bit of a different feel / pace than the anime, though the bones are the same. 

I guess let me cover this...I did enjoy it, the weirdness notwithstanding. She's a strong character, though the voice actress for her has a particularly whiny, high pitched voice that kind of gets on your nerves -- I know it's supposed to be the "cute" voice but, eh, not to me. The art is actually okay once you get past the weirdness of the opening title song. It's SO weird. I did wind up binging it very quickly, so it held my interest and it's annoying that season 1 ended so abruptly, so I did like it and I am glad I watched it. I'll probably even attempt to read it online as there's no other way that I can find, though the translations are...not the best.

Edit: Ok, I found a reasonably (but not great) translated version online and I've been reading it. Up to Chapter 337 out of 500 something. The anime went to roughly Chapter 125? It is both better and worse than the anime, though some of the "worse" might be due to the somewhat iffy/ridiculous translation. Maybe. 

Pro for the anime is that some of it was restructured so that the story makes more sense. And the art is much more consistent. 

The most ridiculous things for the written version is that we're supposed to believe that this 20-something year old (or maybe older, it isn't clear) prince with an ACTUAL harem and even a favourite concubine, has NEVER before had sex and has no idea what to do. Nor have any of his brothers, except for the Crown Prince, who is married and a total horn dog. 

Then, there's a whole section about how they have a past connection and have been reincarnated (I guess?) where neither one were human. He was the Sage King of the Devil Realm and she was a Sky Fairy (and princess? maybe?). And their romance in that past life was also just about as weird, where she went to the Devil Realm dressed as a man (but not remotely looking like one; I mean, the girl has obvious boobs even when wearing men's clothing) and he figures out she's a woman, sort of...but literally is like asking her "Are you a woman?" like he's never seen one before when he has handmaidens who gush all over him all the time. 

Anyway, while I am finding it moderately interesting, it's also got a lot of stuff that makes no sense at all. I am not sure if I'll finish it. I kinda just want a summary. And, seriously, if you could just skip through all of the wrist grabbing and forced kissing and "Shocked" faces, it'd probably take the chapter count down from 500 something to like 200. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Blue Box

Blue Box is somewhat of an atypical watch for me as I'm not really into sportsy anime. That said, it's really more of a slow burn romance/coming of age story.

This one is on Netflix and is ongoing. I'm not sure how many episodes there will be, but I'm caught up at episode 19. Gah, I kinda hate watching stuff as it comes out! So much nicer to just watch after it's all been released!

Taiki is a badminton player and a year younger than Chinatsu (brown haired girl) who plays basketball. Every morning, they are the first ones at the gym to practice. He has a crush on her and respects her, content mostly to admire her from afar, though he dreams of more. Then it turns out that her parents have to move country and she is going to stay behind to hopefully make it to nationals (she's the star player). As Taiki's mom and her mom were close friends, she goes to live in his house. Oh ho, forced proximity!

It's pretty clear early on that Chinatsu does have some interest in him as well, though she seems determined to not act on it -- she's very focused on basketball, the whole reason she stayed behind. The pink haired girl is Hina, a good friend of Taiki's. They have a teasing relationship together and he treats her basically about the same as his best guy friend Kyo.

But Hina realises she wants more and confesses to him. He rejects her, though he's confused. Meanwhile, Chinatsu senses/sees Hina's moves on him and is growing more and more conflicted. Does she dare disturb the universe?

I'm sure the end game is that Chinatsu and Taiki wind up together, though I have to admit that I don't mind Hina. She's honest and straightforward and, if Taiki weren't totally smitten already, would actually be a good match for him. If, perhaps, she'd started her campaign earlier, who knows what might have happened. But there's definitely some second lead syndrome with her. Not to mention -- Chinatsu is a year ahead. Someday, she'll be at uni while he's still in secondary. That's a hard thing. But, in general, you want to root for the two of them.

It is very much a slow burn--at episode 19 neither one has confessed to the other as they both dance around their feelings. It is very sweet, though I don't think this will be a rewatch for me because it's so painfully awkward. Will update when it finishes though! I do feel bad for Hina; hopefully she'll find her prince charming someday.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Raven of the Inner Palace

Hmmmmm. I felt like I at least partly found what I was looking for in Raven of the Inner Palace, though the anime ends very abruptly (and rather unsatisfyingly). 

It's from a Japanese light novel series (completed, though the anime doesn't cover it all), though it's set in an alternate world historical Chinese universe. The mythology behind it is unique and the art style has a gloriousness to it. It isn't your typical story, which is likely what made me binge it all in a short amount of time.

Anyway, the Raven Consort is a 16 year old girl and while she is ostensibly part of the Emperor's harem, she stands apart from the other consorts. She does not have nighttime duties, for one, and she is the one you go to with requests...occultish ones. Her strange powers come from a raven-ish goddess and she was chosen when she was only 6 to be the successor of the latest Raven Consort.

She's also one of the only surviving members of the old ruling family clan -- they all had silver hair, as does she, though she dyes it to hide. I thought more would be made of that in the anime, but even when her secret is discovered (like, immediately) by the emperor, it really wasn't a big deal and he even mid-way through repeals the edict that put a price on her head.

This at first appears like it is going to be a romance, but it really isn't. It is more a story about freedom and truth, friendship and loyalty. There's definitely a found family aspect to it as well. 

I'm not actually going to rehash it any more than that because, while it is only 13 episodes, to really explain it would take ages. Suffice it to say that the world building is interesting and well done, though I definitely get the feeling that they had to leave large swaths out. The art is well done, the characters are well drawn and well rounded. I enjoyed it, though the ending of the anime really leaves you hanging. 

I did look up what the ending of the manga is and, while I think it would also prove ultimately unsatisfying in some ways, it is a logical conclusion. I'm glad I watched it. I am not likely to re-watch, however, as it has that feeling of 98% complete-ness to it, leaving you unsettled and unsatisfied.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Tale of the Outcasts

I've obviously been searching for something that I haven't yet found, as I keep starting new animes. I mean, I am finishing some, but I keep starting new ones. Such as: The Tale of the Outcasts.
I'll say right off the bat that this also isn't exactly what I've been craving, BUT, that said, it does seem like a decent show. There's a bit of an Ancient Magus Bride thing going on, but I won't fault it that, though so far I'd say the Ancient Magus Bride has the nod as far as art style and story. I've watched a few episodes so far. 

Wisteria is a young orphan girl who is forced by a (very nasty) priest to beg for a living and is then sold off by him to a nobleman who intends to torture and kill her. Before that sale, the only bright spot in her life was Marbus, a lion-like powerful demon that only she (and very few others) can see. While he has a human form, it costs him to wear it long. When he's a demon, almost no one can see or hear him, but Wisteria can. 

They've spent some time where he comes to her room at night to tell her stories. You see, he's terribly, terribly bored. Demons are NOT people and his values and the things that bind him are very different...but he's been alive for a very long time and he is BORED with a capital B. He's also relatively decent...for a demon, you might say he's quite honourable in his own way. He's at first not going to interfere in Wisteria's life, but that changes when he hears what the nobleman plans. He whooshes off to save her --where it turns out that noble also had a pact with a demon...but that demon is no match for Marbas...except...if a demon does something "good" without something big in exchange, it can kill them. When he tries to save Wisteria, expecting nothing, it immediately cripples him.

So Wisteria gives him her eyes (eyesight), forming a pact with him. Back in full form, he easily levels the evil demon dude.

Complicating matters is that Snow, a demon hunter and Wisteria's long-lost brother, tracks them...he's looking for his sister. After a standoff with Marbus, Wisteria convinces him that this is what she wants, and at the end of the last episode, she and Marbus are off on a new adventure, though I am sure it will be full of people wanting to tear them apart.

I am enjoying it so far and the dynamic between Marbus and the now-blind Wisteria, who has to rely on him to do things like clean when he's never done anything like that before. I truly hope it doesn't drop into romance territory as she's a literal kid and he's more or less like a father figure for her. But, we'll see. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Play It Cool, Guys

I dunno why, but I wanted to add in a short format anime for those bits of time where you just gotta watch something quick. Meet Play It Cool, Guys, which run about 15 minutes, though some of that is intro/outro and can be skipped.
Even being as short as they are, I've just watched three episodes so far. As there look to be 4 or 5 guys and each one seems to focus mostly on one, I haven't met all the cast yet. Anyway, the guys are all decent types, each sort of a different trope, if you will. And they all behave "cool" but also cluelessly sometimes. Like the office worker that misses the spout on his coffee or accidentally wears an eye mask as a headband after forgetting to take it off. The high school student that forgets things all the time and tries to pass it off like it was on purpose.

I think you could think of the episodes like brief little pick me ups. It doesn't appear that there's any romance (BL or otherwise). More like a slice of life with some "Goofy Boss" vibes. So far, I like it.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Snow White with the Red Hair

While the title of this one is a bit of a misnomer as it really doesn't follow the Snow White classic storyline at all, it is, so far, a charming slice of life style romance: Snow White with the Red Hair.
I'm on just episode 6 out of 24 and it's been pretty charming so far. Shirayuki is a girl with abnormally (for the area) red hair and is working as an apothecary in a kingdom that starts with T (it's not terribly important, so I'm not bothering to look it up). The prince of that country is...well, he's a dick. He decides he wants her as a concubine because of her beauty/strange hair. So instead of "reporting for duty" the next day, she instead prepares all the medicine that people might need, cuts off her long hair, and takes off for the next country.

While taking shelter outside an abandoned mansion, she runs into Zen (of the white hair, though it is short, but OF COURSE I am predisposed to like him). She doesn't know it at the time, but he's actually the second prince of this new country (Clarines?). However, Asshole Prince has people following her and they leave her a basket of poisoned apples (hear ye, hear ye, shades of Snow White). She isn't the one that takes a bite though -- Zen is. Then she's taken and is about to give herself up for the antidote for Zen when Zen bursts in through the door, announces who he is, and convinces Asshole Prince to give her up...or else it could start an incident between the two countries. He's a coward, so he does.

Shirayuki then moves off, finds a room to stay, and ultimately applies (and gets in) to be a court apothecary on her own merits. There was a Lord Asshole who wanted her removed, thinking some "nobody" should not have such easy access to the prince, but she does overcome it. And she's kidnapped (that red hair again) and I did like that, while Zen did come to rescue her, she also helped rescue herself with ingenuity and bravery. 

The main characters are very sweet together and I like the supporting cast of Zen's retainers (Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Obi). Am hoping it will have a decent resolution to the anime though I see from a search when I was grabbing an image that there was no 3rd season due to disappointing DVD sales or something, so not sure there's gonna be enough of an ending. But, we'll see. So far I am enjoying it.

Friday, February 07, 2025

The Daily Life of a Middle-Aged Online Shopper in Another World

I mentioned this one before: The Daily Life of a Middle-Aged Online Shopper in Another World, though it's ongoing and I'm just half way through. The essential conceit is nearly the same as Campfire Cooking in Another World, but with a harem-load of differences.
In this one, the dude isn't summoned -- he just suddenly wakes up in another world. He was a middle aged illustrator so he's familiar with isekai-ness, though there's no explanation of how he wound up in this new world. No inciting incident, no truck-kun. 

His skill, like in Campfire Cooking, involves access to an online shopping platform. However, this is no cooking show. He sets out to be a merchant and have a slow life. He does make some good choices and overall seems like a decent dude but this is definitely a harem-centric show. Also interesting is that he brings out things like trucks and backhoes and passes them off as magic.

But the harem bit...it's kinda weird...so, like, immediately, he winds up hooking up with the waitress at the inn he's staying at. She's very forward and just hops in and he makes no complaints. Similar thing with cat lady beast folk--he does the beastfolk a good turn and she just wiggles into his sleeping pallet. Again, no argument or protest. Thankfully, it's all fade to black-ish. 

But then fancy blonde lady merchant's daughter makes passes at him and he gently is turning her down (so far, but don't think that will last long). So...it's okay as long as it's someone he sees as working class or not that intelligent (cat girl is strong and a great archer but definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed)? That just doesn't sit quite right with me. I mean, not that I want him to go jumping into a bed with her either--she actually seems to want to marry him--but it feels wrong somehow that the rich posh lady is the only one he makes a fuss about. 

He did save her life in the last episode, so I guess we'll see what's gonna happen. This is only 4 episodes in, too...

Yeah. I'm expecting too much. I probably need to lay off the isekai for awhile soon. Will update after finishing.

Edit after episode 5: Huh. So he adopts the young kid that he rescued because she wants to stay with him and they make a big deal out of her wanting to sleep in his bed with him. He doesn't treat her as anything but a kid, but....meh. And at the end of the episode when fancy lady is off to try and seduce him again, he's picked up sticks without saying goodbye because he's pretty sure some nobles are out to capitalise on his power. He did bring the girl and the rescued bobcat though. But he's riding off on a motorbike...would that not be a super obvious giveaway??

The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World

I binged this one in a few days at the gym, though I can't say I adored The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World. I mean, I didn't not like it either. I...am ambivalent, I guess?

So. The dude. He was a super powerful exorcist in something like an alternate Japan that controls ayakashi. He's killed, but after some betrayal, etc. but he has something up his sleeve--the ability to reincarnate himself in another world. I did like/find interesting that it's the first time I've seen someone isekai themself.

He is reborn as Seika Lamprogue (which I'm not looking up how to spell, so I've probably mucked it up) in another world that has element based magic. His family has a history of famous mages. He's the youngest son supposedly from a mistress (though he's not really the guy's son--while it never gets explained in the anime and he never seems to find out himself, it's likely he's actually the offspring of the guy's younger brother and a demon).

Anyway, he still has ALL his powers from the other world and can even call forth the ayakashi he had captured over there, though the stuff used to measure magic in this world doesn't register his skill, so at first everyone thinks he has no magical power.

His goal this time around is to NOT be the most powerful and to basically hide behind the skirt of the hero. Anyway, lots of stuff happens and I'm not gonna rehash it all, but suffice it to say that he's as OP as you get and he is, in fact, actually the Demon King reincarnated...as a human...though HE never finds this out and actually spends all his time protecting the hero (the red haired girl).

It's nominally a harem as the blonde girl (who is his servant/slave) loves him, but he never touches her even though it's apparently common in this world for masters to take liberties (he saves her from one of his older brothers and also from a prince that wants to take her) and the hero also likes him (but seems more like a friend) and another strong fighter girl they pick up along the way who totally could have been a male character but they obviously wanted to at least appear like a harem for fan service.

While I mostly enjoyed it, I don't feel like it made much sense that all of his powers were intact and unchanged and he could call all those ayakashi from other worlds. And it's kind of an open ended ending for the anime at least. And why he didn't question what was really going on with the demons. And why the holy priestess girl also was consorting with demons. And how we were supposed to go along with the asshole brothers redemption arc.

So...yeah. I dunno. How did he not know he was the Demon King? And none of the demons he fought realised it either until the one who could see stats figured it out -- but didn't say anything -- but the holy priestess knew and also didn't tell him? I guess I'm annoyed that all these plot bits were just left hanging out in the wind to flap there unresolved.  And while being OP is always a thing in these, he was so ridiculously OP that it was a bit ridiculous.

Will I watch it if another season comes out? I'm not sure.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

The Dangers in My Heart

Whew, ok, I'm glad I stuck this one out past the first ten minutes, because The Dangers in My Heart wound up being adorkable. 

We first meet Ichikawa Kyoutarou as he obsesses over his classmates (especially Yamada Anna, who although only in junior high is already working as a professional model and actress and seems unattainably popular and cool). And when I say obsesses, I mean he's plotting how he'd kill them like some kind of US-style trenchcoat mafia fanboy. Which is when I nearly turned it off. As a former American, it was a little much. I mean, I get that Europe and Asia don't have anywhere near the level of school violence that the US does, so it comes across a little differently if you're from an American background. And certainly a lot of kids obsess about death and murder (he reads serial killer books obsessively). BUT. I nearly abandoned it.

Luckily, Anna very quickly starts pulling him out of his shell and after the first couple of episodes, it's clear that he's no budding serial killer (and likely never would have been, even without her intervention--he's a decent guy, no matter what he likes to tell himself). There are definite Komi vibes here (also in Anna's design -- she's tall, statuesque and towers over Ichikawa and even has the long, black hair) though Anna has a lot of odd about her as well. The girl never stops snacking, and, while sweet, isn't always the sharpest tool in the shed.

They are both awkward in their own ways and through two seasons (26 episodes) you see them make their way through their 2nd year of junior high and into their 3rd and final year. So, they're roughly 13/14 throughout and experiencing the pangs of adolescence and learning how to be teenagers and yearning to be adults. It's actually really well done and has lots of comedic moments, as well as really heartfelt ones as they take one step forwards and two steps back episode after episode, but inch slowly forwards.

Definitely glad I watched it and may even watch it again someday. I saw something that said there would be a season three, though I'm not sure as a quick search says that the manga is still ongoing and likely hasn't racked up enough volumes to cover a third season yet. So, we'll see. I was really surprisingly charmed by this one. 

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Anyway, I'm Falling in Love with You

Pretty sure the Childhood Friend is actually going to get the girl in this one because there's (possibly) 4 love interests and they are ALL childhood friends. Anyway, I'm Falling in Love with You.
Interestingly, the show seems to be told in flashbacks from the adult woman's (Mizuho) point of view but they don't give a clue as to who she winds up with so far. I'm 3 or 4 episodes in. She's kind of an every girl who wants to be a manga author (but in her adult life, we see she's an editor...those who can't, teach, I guess). On the boys, there's one that's smart, another athletic & youngest (on the swim team), another who you'd think might be gay with the multi-coloured hair and wearing makeup and having followers/online presence and general fabulousness (and seems to be the most clued in to who likes who), and then glasses guy who so far just seems like "the normal guy" who said he wanted to marry her when they were little kids. 

If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably the first one that tells her he likes her as more than a friend -- the purple haired one called Kizuki. At this point, the sandy haired one (the intelligent one of the bunch) has given her a hug and acted a little weird, but has definitely not confessed. But, I think they all know what purple hair likes her likes her (except maybe glasses guy? He's the least defined so far). Even though she was apparently clueless as to his interest (and had tried to confess to a different member of the swim team).

I'm honestly not sure yet if I like it. I am liking elements of it, but not sure that I'm liking the gestalt yet. We'll see once I'm farther in or at the end. And, so far, no doesn't seem to mean no to these guys. The one guy kisses her without permission, the other hugs.

Edit (after episode 4): Hmmmm, I'm finding this one dissatisfying for some reason. I think I'm not liking the back and forth between high school vs. ten years later. Anyway, in this one, her "old" self says something along the lines of having watched the fireworks with "the one she loved" and then it teases that purple haired dude isn't there in the flashback  (though she might run to him at the last minute). Also, blonde dude also has it bad and even asks her dad BEFORE HE EVER SAYS ANYTHING TO HER if he can ask her to marry him after he becomes a doctor. And in a final flashforward, he's there picking her up with flowers BUT she seems surprised to see him (it's her birthday) so I feel like it's a red herring and he's NOT currently the guy. Like, they want to tease it as a distraction. So...yeah.