If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably the first one that tells her he likes her as more than a friend -- the purple haired one called Kizuki. At this point, the sandy haired one (the intelligent one of the bunch) has given her a hug and acted a little weird, but has definitely not confessed. But, I think they all know what purple hair likes her likes her (except maybe glasses guy? He's the least defined so far). Even though she was apparently clueless as to his interest (and had tried to confess to a different member of the swim team).
I'm honestly not sure yet if I like it. I am liking elements of it, but not sure that I'm liking the gestalt yet. We'll see once I'm farther in or at the end. And, so far, no doesn't seem to mean no to these guys. The one guy kisses her without permission, the other hugs.
Edit (after episode 4): Hmmmm, I'm finding this one dissatisfying for some reason. I think I'm not liking the back and forth between high school vs. ten years later. Anyway, in this one, her "old" self says something along the lines of having watched the fireworks with "the one she loved" and then it teases that purple haired dude isn't there in the flashback (though she might run to him at the last minute). Also, blonde dude also has it bad and even asks her dad BEFORE HE EVER SAYS ANYTHING TO HER if he can ask her to marry him after he becomes a doctor. And in a final flashforward, he's there picking her up with flowers BUT she seems surprised to see him (it's her birthday) so I feel like it's a red herring and he's NOT currently the guy. Like, they want to tease it as a distraction. So...yeah.
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