Saturday, October 06, 2018

A bloody mess

Yesterday, I managed to accidentally shave off part of my finger while trying to shave. I am rubbish at being a girl. It bled for over 2 hours. Five plasters later and a great deal of blood spatter, I finally went to the chemist as I couldn't get it to stop. He wrapped it for me (after recoiling a bit in disgust, I think). Still took another half hour to stop bleeding after that.

In the scheme of my life, I've been in pretty deep pain a number of times. Childbirth. Jebbus, the epidural. Oy. When my appendix nearly burst and I had an emergency appendectomy. That time I fell down the stairs and hyperextended my leg and then couldn't walk for a while and was on pain pills and muscles relaxers and trigger point injections and steroids and had to do physical therapy for a couple of years... but frickin' hell if this ridiculous cut on my finger isn't up in my top 5 of painful things. OMG did it burn.

Something so small should not hurt that much.

I suspect that it may be a metaphor for life.

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