Saturday, December 01, 2018

The rug that pulled it all together

Call it a plot twist, but the rug has been pulled out from under us again. And I don't really know what to do or how to feel about it. I imagine this is complicated by the fact that I'm still sick (day 11? 12?) and full of snot and chills and a bad throat. On the plus side, I've lost 3 pounds (nearly 1.5 kgs). That's about the only positive I have at the moment.

I kind of feel like I knew it was coming. Like, things were going too well and I was starting to dream of "what-ifs." Gah. It's frustrating and a bit scary. Trying to just look forward. Not going to say anymore about it for now and will just go back to my normally scheduled posts about nonsense stuff.

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