Monday, September 23, 2019

The Cravings

Okay, so I like shows that have something to do with food. Apparently. Why? I dunno. I like food. And I saw The Cravings on Netflix and the episodes were really short -- 9 or 10 minutes). So I thought I'd give it a shot. Bonus that it had an "older" (i.e. still younger than me but at least not an early 20s girl) woman as the lead. Also, it had 2 seasons so I figured it ought to be okay.

I actually watched it maybe last week? I can't remember. So...meh. I watched just the first episode but there wasn't really anything in particular attractive about it. It felt longer than the 9 minutes it was. The lead is rather depressing -- she's recently broken up with her long-term boyfriend. Her job seems kinda dead end. The promised food looked okay but wasn't quite enough to grab my interest.

It does get good reviews, so maybe I'll try again later. There's too many other things I'm in progress with though, so I dunno.

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