Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christmas DLC

So...what do I do when I'm feeling a bit down? I visit with the boys and play some otome. Because...you know. Sometimes you need a little love. I figured since it was December that I would do the Mystic Messenger DLC. I was originally going to try and get 707's ending as I hadn't managed to do his previously (obviously, I'd first completed Zen's...then I'd done Jumin's and had also managed to get Yoosung...hahaha, actually, it's always easy to get Yoosung, that puppy...). Poor Seven is particularly depressed over the holidays, so he's a bit tougher to hook.

But then I wound up ultimately with Zen. Sigh. It's because I can't be mean to him.

BUT! Then I had some texts from Unknown (i.e. Ray / Saeran) and I figured I'd answer him this time and I managed to unlock one of the Secret Endings.

It was interesting...the MC has some nice chats/calls with Zen and then goes to the event. Weirdly, after she arrives and then Jumin gets there and there are options for her to fawn all over him. But then Zen arrives too and she briefly fawns all over him too. But then the lights go all weird and there's a crazy fireworks show that 707 hacked into the event to do. Everybody's all Ooooohhh cool. Then the show is over and it's Yoosung (not Zenny...sigh) saying goodbye to you as he's putting you into Driver Kim's car (as arranged by Jumin, to get you home safe).

You get back to the apartment, but guess who is waiting there for you and being all creepy as hell with his weird giggling, very disturbing laugh and villain monolouging. Then all the members are in a chat room waiting for you to appear when Seven pops in to say something is weird and the security camera has been hacked. They all freak out. Unknown pops in to say he's gonna "take care of the princess now" and fade to black and a new CG of Unknown dressing MC up like a doll in a very creepy fashion.

So...interesting. Definitely what I'd all a Bad End rather than a Secret End, though it looks like from the otome obsessed website that there are 3 different ways it can be presented (one of which you don't even make it to the event in).

Though now I feel a little robbed of my good end with Zen. Haha. But maybe I'll give it another run through this month and try and get 707 again but concentrate this time. It's not too bad as it's only a two day commitment. I can manage two nights of interrupted sleep...

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