Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Winter blues

It is cold today and damp -- in other words, very English. Kind of fitting as yesterday we had our citizenship ceremony and we are officially Brits now. We went out to dinner to celebrate. Really glad to have that done now. It's a relief that the process is finally over. We're here to stay.

But today I am cold and I am tired and I don't want to work on the revisions on this book (I've gotten to that spot you always reach at some point in the process where you hate the sight of it). I will, though. Hoping to get through the bulk of the remaining two chapters today. I think it will just be a bit of a slow start. Maybe I just need to get the fireplace going first and make a nice coffee and warm myself up both literally and metaphorically.

I should probably start getting out of the house to meet up with my fellow writer peeps again. The weather is just so crap that I barely want to stir out of the house.

And I really feel more like writing something else. But, this first. So. Later.

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