Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Finally, no longer surrounded...

Finally finished You're All Surrounded today after an hour and a half on the cross trainer at the gym and then waiting for an hour and a half at the BMW dealership while the car was being worked on. Thank you, Netflix, for letting your app download episodes.

Yeah, Lee Seung-gi, I'm relieved too. I mean, I overall enjoyed it but...it did feel like went on for a few episodes too long. Thankfully, everything was mostly resolved and the bad guys got their due. Finally. Other than you never do find out who Dae-gu's father is.

Things I liked: all the good guys. No, really, they were all good. I didn't even much mind the crazy Im Won-hee and his style of overacting can really get on my nerves sometimes. But he was in small doses here, so it was okay. And, truthfully, this show was such a downer in so many ways that it needed some comic relief.

Things I didn't like: the bad guys were all kinda ridiculous...eyeball popping, shrieking...I wanted to smack them all across the face. And, yeah, you're supposed to want to smack them as they are the bad guys but still...they just seemed more like caricatures of bad guys at times. Like, their motivations and then what they did because of them really just were completely out of the realm of possibility. The police chief with her "I want to support the police and make the department better by doing all these illegal things with a corrupt politician" for one. It's like she started down a slippery slope and crashed all the way to the bottom without ever thinking about what she was doing. Well, they all did.

Anyway. I liked the actors. I would have appreciated more touching moments between the leads. There were a few kisses and lots of tears but it would have been nice if there were more nice moments, if only to balance out the angst. Like, give me some tenderness! I've had to sit through hours of the stupid Assemblyman being evil and his shrill daughter, so gimme something! But overall it was a decent show and the pace was fairly good throughout, even if it could have been wrapped up in less episodes.

Am I glad I watched it? Yeah, sure. Discovered some more new actors, got a decent story with a bit in the way of surprise (only a bit; most of it was pretty predictable), a hint of romance. Would I watch it again? Probably not. It's not something you'd watch again, once you know all the ins and outs of what happens. Honestly, it would probably be painful. Once was good.

It has actually made me want to watch A Korean Odyssey, which has some of the same actors, even though I've been spoiled and know that it doesn't end particularly happy. I'll just have to watching something really sweet beforehand.

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