Monday, April 29, 2019

From one to another

Dunno if I've ever had jet lag as bad as it was this time coming back. I didn't sleep much on the plane, but yeesh, it just killed me. Little dude and hubster too. We were all zonked. And the next week basically felt like a blur of laundry and getting little dude ready for back to school, etc. etc. Finally catching my breath...but now it's time to get ready to go to Prague!

Not that I'm complaining.

Little dude has his choir trip and I'm going along too because a) it's his last choir trip probably ever -- his new school come September likely isn't big enough for that kind of thing and b) I didn't go on his Vienna Choir trip last year and regretted it and c) an old friend from high school lives in Prague that I haven't seen since I was 16 is there. And it's a city trip. And I like to travel by myself. I mean, I'll see little dude, but only at his performances. The rest of the time is mine. Tickets weren't bad either. I found a nice AirBnB near the castle/old town.

Let's see...I suppose I should talk about the Florida trip a bit. Mom is worse than she was last time we visited but still better than I'd hoped. She's lost more weight and her lungs are filling with fluid faster and she has no energy at all, but she's still going. Talking to my sisters makes it sound like she could pass away at any moment and, while that is somewhat true, she was doing better than I thought she would be. Still, it feels like the countdown has begun. There's no getting around that. She's not in good health and it looks like she might have cancer again. It's stressful. And my sisters don't make it any less stressful. I'm not going to dwell too much on that. It doesn't do any good. It is what it is. was depressing to see just how far down the Trumpian rabbit hole they've all fallen. It's like wilful ignorance. Not even kidding. Actually had a conversation at one point with my older sister where I tried to politely explain that what she was saying wasn't factual in any way, shape, or form but she's all "Well, it's my opinion!" But opinions are not facts. Mostly I tried to stay out of it all. I didn't even start that conversation. Hubster kept falling into it and arguing with people, which is rather funny because he's actually quite conservative/Republican/Tory or whatever whereas I'm not at all. But, anyway, it was both galling and horrifying.

Little dude had a good time though. Lots of golfing and swimming. I found it all very exhausting, but, to be honest, I'd much rather go on a holiday by myself than visit family. There's always so much drama.

I did fairly good on the weight/exercise front even with the ginormous American portions of food. I had a couple of runs outside (and discovered that I really don't like running outside AT ALL). Went to brother-in-law's gym a couple times, and used the decrepit treadmill at the in-law's retirement park almost every day that we were there. I felt like I'd gained about 5lbs. by the time we got home, but two days later after the airplane bloat was gone, I was back to where I'd left at. So I call that a success.

Not sure how that will be in Prague. I figure I'll just be walking a ton. I'm not going to bring exercise clothes along for a 3 night/4 day trip. Especially since I'm not checking a bag. No room.

And now...I have to finish getting ready...little dude is just about packed but I'm not!

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