Friday, March 01, 2019

Fall in Love with Me

Fall in Love with Me is the second Taiwanese drama that I've tried, but also the second featuring Aaron Yan, weirdly enough. I didn't make it onto episode 2 of the other one (Just You) but that was more because of the female lead than the male. So, when I got a warning from Netflix that this one is soon to disappear (though I can't find that notice now and have no idea how long I've got to watch it), I thought I'd try it out.

I'm mid-way through episode two. It is better than the other one, though still a bit over the top and exaggerated. So...Yan plays a high-powered, super-talented, big ego ad exec but he's burned out and not feeling his creative juices anymore due to the kinds of clients, etc. that he's been dealing with. He announces that he's taking a three month hiatus to reassess. He runs away in a disguise to escape his employees (this kinda makes no sense to me...he's the boss, right?) and stumbles into a filming shoot and helps out after being mistaken for a volunteer. It's the girl's shoot.

So, the lead girl is the owner of a small ad firm. She had an accidental run-in with Yan's character in the very beginning that doesn't go all that well (when he looked like his normal self--she thinks his dressed down self looks like his real self, but he convinces her it's just a coincidence). But, it turns out that she's also the younger sister of the guy that inspired Yan to get into advertising to begin with and is now running big bro's company. And there's all this childhood connection stuff wherein her big bro actually died because of an accident while saving young Yan from running out in front of a car (his name isn't Yan in the show, but I'm too lazy to go look it up right now) and his butler knows her parents and the dad invested in the small ad company after the brother died to help them out. Whew.

So Yan's character wants to help out the struggling small ad company. OZ. But when he tries to buy it and calls on the 30% that he owns, her family basically wants to kill him. Granted, I don't think he explained himself very well; from their point of view, he wants to take over something that they want to keep alive in brother's name.

So...he winds up going kind of undercover as his dressed down self (with butler's help) to help out OZ. And, of course, there are shenanigans.

Weird things...I've watched too much Korean and Japanese stuff and Chinese (Mandarin) sounds so weird to me now. Which makes me kinda sad, since it's technically "my" family language (except it would be Cantonese, which wouldn't be spoken in Taiwan, so not exactly). I do recognise a few words (mostly "thank you" and food terms). But it sounds so strange. So much more xi/sh sounds.

Story-wise, I think this one is very typical. On the plus side, for once the disguised character is actually different-looking enough that I can see why people buy it. Because he does act differently when he's "dressed down" as well. Normally, I'm often going COME ON! but it works okay here.

The characters all seem okay and not so flail-ing about as in the other Taiwanese one I tried. The acting is acceptable but not great from a lot of them (including the lead girl, who's acting is quite awkward). Yan's character this time is more likeable over all than the episode I watched of Just You.. Even his "stuck up" self isn't necessarily a bad guy, though he does a pretty good imitation of one. The story/plot is pretty ridiculous, but, hey, that's how these things are.

I do like the OZ cast, as they are like a family. And the Butler. He's weirdly weird, like if Alfred were awkward and geeky. On the other hand, I dunno that it's grabbing me as a whole. I wonder if what I need to do is try a recent Taiwanese drama instead of an older one?

Edit: Er, okay. I got most of the way through episode 2 while I was at the gym. Then I was still feeling kinda waffle-y about it, so I thought I'd look up a bit of a review/recap and...yeah. I'm glad I did. I read through episode 4 and was, like, sounds okay but not great, not really feeling it. I skipped to a recap of episode 10 and was, like, whut? So I found a recap of the last episode and uhhhhhhhhhhh. No. Just so much NO. Like, the Yan character winds up marrying the second lead girl (who's in a wheelchair now??) because reasons or something, but in the last episode she gives him up and lets him marry the lead girl. And there's all this stupid family drama stuff and Evil Mom stuff and none of it really makes sense. I mean, I'm sure some of it doesn't make sense because I just skipped through some recaps and didn't watch it all BUT...NO. I don't want to watch the dude get married to the idiot second girl (you do meet her in episode 2 and she seemed like a total basketcase) nor do I want to sit through a bunch of family/corporate drama that sounds like the kind of blah from Secret Garden. So, yeah, I'm not watching any more of this one.

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