Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Castaway Diva

Since I'm trying to catch up, I'm going to very briefly mention this one that I decided not to continue on with: The Castaway Diva. Don't get me wrong, I actually fairly liked the first episode even though it was a LOT darker than I thought it was going to be. It starts in the teenage years of the main leads and both have miserable lives because their fathers are raging assholes who beat them. They weren't even friends to begin with as the dude thought the girl was happy and had everything...until he saw her bruises after she's brave enough to call the police on her alcoholic dad. His dad is a police officer, however, and basically does nothing and blames it on her. The other police offers should've been shot.

Anyway, while they are trying to run off together (she won a competition with her singing and has a chance at stardom) to get away, he sees that her dad is following them and gets off the ferry to try and stop him. He gets beat to a pulp and the dad still manages to get on the boat where he chases her...then they both fall of the boat, never to be seen again...

They actually both wash up on an island, just not one that's within the target search area. But the dad is dead. The girl manages to survive for 10 years off of what washes up on the island (this part was pretty unbelieveable--how many perfectly intact umbrellas wash up on shore or cutlery??)

Anyway, 10 years later she's rescued when a clean up crew is on the island to pick up trash. Why? Dunno. It's uninhabited, supposedly. And there were two brothers(?) and it's pretty obvious that ONE of them is supposed to be the same dude. RIDICULOUS COINCIDENCE. But the one that LOOKS like him, with the glasses and everything...totally doesn't act like him.

I was very suspicious. 

I was right to be suspicious. 

Some other things were bothering me too, so I looked up some summaries and a) the one who acted completely oblivious (when he should have honestly been the only one to immediately figure out who she was--she was even wearing the same freaking shirt) was the original dude and b) they tease the other brother as "the" guy for over half the show, even making both of them think it might be true (because the other brother has amnesia or something?? I didn't read too closely, but none of it made sense) and c) apparently there's a bunch of stuff that the original diva that she won the contest for is a waning star and she castaway girl winds up singing for her behind the scenes or something. Bleh. And d) it's another show where instead of being a show about, you know, the freaking title character, it instead becomes a big issue show about the dude's family trauma. Totally looking at you, Gong Shim.

It was just so much wtf-ery that I noped out after an episode and a half. And it has actors I liked too (like the actress from Attorney Woo) but whenever I get really dodgy feelings like that, I'm often right. And I just don't have time to sit through 12 or 16 or whatever episodes of that. Like Nevertheless. That one skeeved me out too. Not that this one skeeved me, but all of the spoilers I read just royally peeved me. So it's immeditely going on my ditch list even though I was excited about it.

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