Friday, February 02, 2018

Loose ends and completion

So, I finished up the edits yesterday and sent them off to my agent. Hope it's all good now. I should work on the other middle grade manuscript that needs some revision but my brain is fried. And I'm feeling kind of generally down about writing in general. There are days when I don't know why I do what I do. Why do I bother? Yes, I have stories inside me and I like to tell them. But this is such a draining business. It's all waiting and waiting and waiting and rejection. Some days that is easier to handle than other days. And it's all for such little gain financially. Not that money is the most important thing. No one would be a writer then. But you at least want it to feel like all the hours you put in actually mean something.

Did I mention that I applied for a part time job? It's just a temporary position and I haven't even heard anything back yet. It was a children's publishing thing, so it's actually applicable. I suppose it's just that I feel so useless and I can't get anything full time because of the little dude. Most of the jobs I could get nowadays don't pay enough to cover childcare. It's been too long since I worked in IT and that was in another country as well. But something part time would be okay. Though there's a part of me that doesn't want to do that at all. I like to write. It's what I am. I don't want to go back to an office. I'm not very good at peopleing.

Meh. I dunno.

In other news, I had spicy ramen for lunch.

And there's a fire going in the fireplace.

And I found a new sweater at one of the charity shops in town today.

And it's cold.

And I'm watching a K-drama for the first time. They really like to overact. And I'd never actually seen real people do that rolling around on a bed thing like they do in anime. It's kinda weird.

And I've had two lattes in the last two days made with coconut milk and I think I've OD'd on coconut milk for the foreseeable future.

Oh, and I finished the Yoosung route. I want to start the Jumin one but they haven't sorted out the problem with the calling card thing yet. So I'm waiting.

And I partly don't want to work on the middle grade manuscript because I've been itching to get back to my YA romance.

I need some romance in my life.

And sometimes, the quieter it is, the noisier my brain gets.

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