Saturday, February 03, 2018


So I've been sort-of keeping up with the Ikemen Sengoku app. Not religiously or anything. I've missed some days completely and some days I've just done the log-in to get stuff but haven't read any bits. I had some time to waste today though so I read through the 5 episodes/tickets.

Yeah. Masamune has been calling the MC "kitten" off and on for a while. Cheesy, but I was, like, okay, whatever. *shrug* I'll forgive it. Some people would think that was cute and endearing. There were actually some people in high school who called me that as a nickname because a) I was tiny and b) I liked cats a lot and c) I was fifteen and like all teenage girls going through a lot of crap at home, any attention that wasn't bad was pretty good. It didn't even occur to me to say, hey, no. But, you know, I was fifteen.


The MC...just freaking MEOWED at him.



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