Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Another Story...

So...given all the stresses of life lately, I had done a play through of Mystic Messenger with...drumroll please...Zen. Because, you know. Zen. Also, I'd had a save game I could go back to around Day 5. But after I finished it, I was kind of missing it. I'd unlocked Another Story eons ago when I'd had the hourglasses so I thought, eh, what the heck, I'll give it a go. No walkthrough. Just let it go.

I wound up on V's route, even though he's never been my favourite -- I've always wanted to smack him for his martyrdom leanings. But Ray was just so...creeptastic. The MC also has to REALLY be an idiot. Oh, hello random stranger! You want me to drop everything and play test a game for you? And I have to put on a blindfold and go with you to who knows where? And stay for who knows how long? Your random madman giggles don't freak me out at all! Of course I'll go with you to certain doom!

I mean, really.

I honestly can only roll with it because I love the guys so much and they make me happy.

Anyway. V. I'm on Day 8 now, so nearing the end. I'm not going to go over the whole route or do any write up or anything because a) I'm still not a huge fan of V and cannot at all fathom his motivations or how there's any realistic way that they all end up this way and b) I've got no time for that. So, just some general impressions:

  • Rika is absolutely batshit crazy. I mean, I knew that. But, whew. She's a total psychopath. Sociopath? Maybe both. It kinda makes me worry for the writers at Cheritz.
  • V is the epitome of Noble Idiot. Seriously. He should be in the dictionary for it. At least he has good hair.
  • It's annoying that nearly all of his CGs also feature Rika. For heaven's sake, Cheritz, give me a picture of just V.
  • While I can theoretically feel sympathy for Ray, he's so creepy and off that I would probably have to do a walkthrough to successfully make it through his route. Heck, to even get on his route! Though maybe not...I think you'd basically have to pick all the options that would be stupid and self destructive.
  • I do not at all understand why Rika has fans. I want to burn her with fire. In a 2D sort of way. I'd never do that to a real person. But she's so beyond reality.
  • Zen is still best boy, though Jumin was well behaved as well.
  • I think it will be a while before I can play Yoosung again after this because, as annoying as he was in his own route about Rika, he's absolutely a whining insufferable mess in V's route. I seriously want to hit him. And this is Yoosung we're talking about. The cutie pie shooting star. And I kinda want to kill him or just hand him over to Rika already so I don't have to listen to him whine about her anymore. Just go, boy, and get thee to a nunnery. Or cult. Whatever.
Anyway, if I have any final thoughts after I finish, I'll add to this. I honestly have no idea whether or not I'll get a good ending or not on this one. I may die a horrible death. Or all of them might get converted. I dunno. Though, honestly, is a good ending even possible with this storyline? I don't really see how.

Edit: Okay. I finished it. Pretty much walkthrough free, other than I looked up two answers because I honestly think the translations failed because neither made sense. I did get the Good & Normal ends (by saving right before the party and not accepting all the guests the first time to get normal). And I do have a few more thoughts.

  • Did Cheritz mix up the good & normal ends? In the Good end, V goes off and disappears for 2 years (though he does get his eye surgery first, the idiot) and then reappears like the manic pixie dream boy he is at a party and is, like, hey, girl, you ready to love me now? I almost came to see you, like, a billion times, but I didn't. But I thought about you a lot. So, those ten days we chatted two years love me, right? Like, WTF? In the normal end, he asks you to immediately move in with him and, while he's a bit tentative and angsty (as per usual), you're together. So...yeah. And half of the Good end is some weird dream-like sequence with his mom? Ah, well, at least the art was nice. But I really kinda wanted the MC to be, like, DUDE.
  • And...Ray blows himself up, apparently, in either of these endings. On the plus side, 707 never realises that he's his brother, so at least he's not devastated. Sucks to be Ray. He never deserved that. He's total fruit loops, but it's not his fault he was tortured and drugged by Rika for years.
  • In the normal end, Rika has also apparently blown herself up. Yeah, sorry not sorry. In the Good end, she blows up the apartment but shows up at the party and tries to give drugged up wine to any guests that show and Yoosung stops her and gets her some treatment, though you don't know how that goes. I suppose the only benefit of that end is that at least Yoosung got some closure? I dunno. Personally, I'd rather she burned with fire in every ending. Like, every single one.
  • But the biggest thing with V's story in general...okay, yeah, I get that he was trying to protect his friends from Rika the Psychopath...BUT the dude KNEW she'd started a cult with however many Believers AND he KNEW about Saeran/Ray from the start. He knew about the abuse and drugs. But...he just let it all happen so he could protect the RFA? Shouldn't he be prosecuted too? I mean, COME ON. You were trying to protect your friends but you also knew about all these other people being hurt. It just kinda kills any sympathy I have for him at all. He's an idiot. A wanker. A wanker and an idiot. But he's pretty, I'll give him that.
  • Zen should be given a medal for taking one for the team and babysitting Yoosung through this whole route. general, I'm not in love with Another Story. Will I go back and do Ray's side sometime? Eh, maybe. But I'll have to leave it sit for a while because I get the feeling that one is going to be even more crazypants craptastic than V's story. It was more enjoyable to do the Casual Story and Deep Story. Maybe it's because there's SO much more of Rika? I dunno.

I suppose I will work through the After Ending, but maybe I'll give it a few days. Just thinking about it exhausts me.

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