Monday, October 07, 2019

When knowing doesn't help

I'm not doing great right now. I know I'm too stressed. My stomach is upset all the time. Signs of another ulcer. I can't sleep well. But I'm completely exhausted. Got up at 6:45 to get little dude ready for school. Was so desperate tired that I went back to bed around 8. Didn't wake up until 11:30 (which was a longer block of time than what I'd slept solid the night before). It's past 3 PM now and I'm once again so tired that I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep.

But knowing that I'm too stressed and what it's doing to me doesn't really help. I can't do much of anything about it. Things are what they are at the moment. I'm worried about money. I'm worried about a lot of things. I was worried before all the crap with the car and little dude's stolen laptop. That just all made it worse.

I feel teary off and on. Maybe it would help if I had my next round of edits to work on so I could focus on something. I dunno.

Something's gotta give, right?

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