Monday, February 11, 2019

Ambitously viciously

Started the week off with the gym. 5 minutes on the elliptical for warm up. 30 minutes boxing with Rob aka personal trainer dude with the dragon tattoo. 3 sets on the arm weightlift-y machines at the lowest weight, as left arm still feels like it wants to fall off. 12 minutes on the treadmill (while waiting on the elliptical to go free), 50 minutes on the elliptical again, doing the rolling hills workout, which sounds like it should be pleasant, no? Sweaty, that's what it is.

I was tired before I started. Now I'm...more tired. And the back is a bit throb-y. But hey-ho, here we go. Still a stone to go.

Though every time I go to the gym, I am reminded of how rubbish I am at being a girl / woman / person of the female persuasion. There are a lot of old people in this town and consequently, there are a gaggle of older women who go to this gym. Which I like. They aren't there to chat. They're friendly. They're not measuring you up, so to speak. Way better than the Virgin Active in Notting Hill that I'd tried when we lived there.  They are all wearing their yoga pants un-ironically.

But. BUT. In the changing room, all these silver-haired ladies are wearing their matching underwear sets. Lacey thongs. Frilly stuff. And there's me, in essentially the granny panties that they're supposed to be wearing. I don't think I own a set of matching underwear. I definitely don't own anything that looks more like spaghetti than underwear.

I did buy a new lipstick. So, yeah. Wherein the lady told me I'm supposed to be putting on foundation and powder on my lips BEFORE I put the lipstick on if I really want it to last. I I will always be crap at this stuff. I am a lazy woman. Or, lazy at being a woman. I was pleased I've managed to put lipstick on at all FFS.

Anyway. Enough about how crap I am.

Gonna go do a post about the new Kdrama I started up at the gym. New post.

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