Saturday, February 09, 2019

Ideas, Eyeballs, Dead Birds

Had an interestingly evil idea for a short story. Could even work as a novel except that it'd be an adult story (adult as in "for older readers" not adult as in "you'll need bleach for your eyeballs after reading") and I haven't the time or the inclination for that. Too busy with the middle grade stuff.

Though I'm still waiting on my editor to get back to me. Ack. Was supposed to be "in January" then "end of January" and here it is...February. Beginning to be a tad bit concerned about the 1 July due date for the first draft of Book 2...

Which is probably why I keep having random ideas. My brain is in neutral.

Anyway, it'd be kind of a reverse Groundhog Day kind of thing. But someone good who goes bad. Totally postal. Saving it here to remind myself. Dunno that I have any time to devote to it right now, but I can picture it in my head so I want to at least remember the idea. Almost a Yellow Wallpaper bit of slow madness. Could I pull that off? Maybe.

In Omo! That's Life! news...little dude's grammar school appeal was actually successful. Completely didn't expect that, even though academically he's capable...because the success rate of appeals is dreadfully low. Like, ridiculous low.

He was already super excited to get into the school he most wanted and we were ready to send off the acceptance letter. But the Grammar would be need to think on it a bit. It's not a bad problem to have, but it does make things more complicated.

Anywho...tonight we're having a Japanese-style donabe dinner party with some friends. Shabu-shabu. Went by Wing Yip to buy supplies and little dude and I both saw this bizarre sake/rice wine cup/thing at the same time, sitting on a shelf among a bunch of other more normal bottles, like it was trying not to be noticed. Eyeing us, if you will.

Such a perfect moment. We looked at each other and we both went we need that at the same time. He is such my kid.

I'll have to keep the jar after I've drunk it. It's probably terrible. No idea. Will have to get my friend Jelly to translate it for me. Have no idea what it is or why it has an eyeball on it.

Let's see...what else?

Today's soundtrack has been a strange mix of Block B, Hozier, Guns N' Roses, and Right Said Fred. The weather is very English. The dog smells again. Oh, and there was a dead bird on the pavement, one wing outstretched to the sky, eyes closed, feathers that brilliant shiny black. I always feel like I should do something in those kinds of situations, but there's nothing to do, so I walk on by.

I feel like poetry. No, like I'd like to be poetry. Like there's a poem in me? Trying to come out? I want to play with words, run amok. Maybe later.

Edit: drank the rice wine. It tasted like rice wine. There weren't any mystery eyeballs floating in it or anything.

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