Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Ouch and blah and blergh

I'm sore today. Did another stint at the gym -- maybe an hour and a half? I was already sore from yesterday. Think I overdid it a bit yesterday. Definitely overdid it a bit yesterday. Also apparently forgot to take my blood pressure medication yesterday morning and was feeling really dodgy last night. Which is depressing. I was hoping that I might be able to work myself off of it but that's definitely not happening any time soon and probably never. I thought I might be able to -- been feeling better since I stopped taking the stomach medicine and was thinking, hey, wouldn't it be nice if I could be medication free?  So much for that. Head felt like a too-tight balloon ready to pop.

Dammit. I'm just so tired all the time.

I know some of that is my own fault. I have trouble getting to sleep, getting my brain to shut down, to stop making noise. I have a noisy brain. And I feel most alone at night, so it growls and complains and mumbles to itself like an animal nursing a wound.

Am I anthropomorphising my brain? Seems wrong, somehow.

I actually have work to do today and I don't feel like doing it at all. But I'm going to anyway. Will at least get a start on it. Don't want to be a complete failure. It's not the work I want to be doing...still waiting on the editor for that...which could be partly why I'm sitting here wasting time doing this instead.

Still stressing over little dude's school stuff. Can't believe we're turning down the free Grammar school place. I hope it's not a mistake. It's not a mistake. It's just a decision. Yes, let's go with that.

Next week is half term break. No idea what I'm gonna do with the little dude yet. Maybe some museums.

Anyway. Time to work and be productive and adult-like.

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