Sunday, February 10, 2019


So. Little dude made his decision. IB School, not the (free) Grammar. Kinda painful to think about the money part of it but the school does seem a really good fit for him. I know every other parent we know is going to think we're insane, especially after we went through the whole appeal process. But, yeah. There you go. A decision has been made. Things have been signed. Letter will be sent tomorrow -- which is for the best, because otherwise I'm going to keep thinking about it and dithering and freaking out.

A line in the sand.

Why is it sand? Sand shifts. Should be a line in the rock. The bedrock. Marble. Something solid.


I don't know what to watch next. Overall, I did enjoy The Master's Sun but there's something about it that has left me feeling vaguely unsatisfied. I really don't know what it is. I can't put my finger on it. An unsettled feeling, a thread left hanging. I dunno.

Need to pick something before tomorrow morning when I go to the gym as they make the time pass much more quickly. And I need a good workout after the debauchery of the weekend. Not that it was very debauched. Debauch-light? 1 glass of wine, 1 cup of sake, a bit too much to eat. A couple of songs sung in French. Not very debauched at all.

I really need to be writing something or painting something. Might start Jelly's mini-figure tomorrow. Need an outlet. Or maybe I'm just tired -- was awake until after 1. Haven't been sleeping well for months.

Anyway...There are actually 144 things on my follow list on Viki, though not all of those are actually available to watch. Another 135 in My List on Netflix, though some of those are things to watch on family night or stuff that's already been watched or things that are also on Viki. So call it at least 150 shows to choose from. That's a lot of shows.

I'm kinda disgusted at myself for the amount of stuff I've been watching lately. I normally never watch anything other than whatever show we're slowly making our way through at night (currently Bones) after little dude has gone to bed. Why am I watching so much lately? The waiting? Yeah. There's that. The need for some feel-good romance? Could be. I've mostly stopped playing any otome games. This has substituted for that. Well, at least I'm slowly learning another language. There's a hole in my life, obviously, and this is what I've been filling it with.

So. Seems stupid to sit here and dither about it.

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