Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I am not amused

There was a tragedy this past weekend. Little dude went for a haircut with the hubster. And got a buzz cut. And not even a good buzz cut. Like, the barber tried to give him some kind of fade but he doesn't have that kind of hair. So it's sort of fuzzy and random and there's a big whorl where his cowlick is. It's bad. So bad. Little dude has GREAT hair. But not right now. Right now he has no hair.

I cried.

Literally. I had to go in the bathroom and have a sniffle. I know, I know, it's only hair but oh holy jeebus it's so bad and he doesn't look like himself. At first, he seemed to think it was hilarious in a slightly hysterical sort of way. But now he's asking how he can get his hair to grow faster. Maybe I can get him to eat his veg...

Other than that...I've been doing some painting. Which I've missed. Man, I really like painting the monsters the best. Did an ankheg for Simon and it was such fun. Also a new mini for Jelly of her bloodthirsty monk and that was good too, though not as satisfying as the wee beast. Why is it more fun to paint the bad guys? I really don't know. It just is. Our monthly D&D game is going pretty well. I'm not entirely in love with playing as a dwarven cleric, but it's okay and we definitely needed a healer.

And...still waiting to hear from my editor. It's gonna be March at the end of this week. I am definitely concerned about the due date of the second book now, especially since little dude is off school for, like, three weeks in April. Gonna go visit the fam in Florida. Mom's not doing well. Hopefully I'll be able to write on it by then, but chances of doing much while on holiday (even a grandparent-visiting holiday) are pretty slim. So, yeah. Wee bit of stress there. And I'll hopefully be going to Prague in May when the little man goes for his choir trip. Be nice to have some me time in a city by myself. I'll get to see him when he's singing in some massive churches, but other than that, he's with his school buddies.

I did get a bit of work/progress done on the picture book idea. Not a lot, but some. I'm not very good at picture books. So few words. But I rather like the idea, anyway. Will have to see if it works. Not sure it will.

What else? I know there were things. I keep not talking about things. I have things not to talk about. I feel a bit like a ball of angst and terror but also of sunshine and feet tapping. I'm trying to be happy. I need to sing more. I need to sleep more. I should probably drink less coffee.

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