Wednesday, January 09, 2019

All the things

So, let's see. It's 2019 now. Which feels ridiculous. I feel the need to catch up on all the things. I'm quite behind, though I've talked about some stuff.

On the book front...still waiting. I did hear back from my editor but basically she wants me to hold off for now as she's not had a chance yet to get her thoughts on the book 1 edits or the book 2 synopsis together. She doesn't think she'll be ready to discuss that stuff until towards the end of the month. So...not much I can do. I can get a (very) small start on the second book, but as she's given hints that some things might be changing (but not what) in the first book, I can't get far. A little concerned about that as the date in the contract for the second book is 1 July, but not much I can do about it. It's doable by then...but I'd rather be ahead than working to catch up. It'll be okay. Just kinda itchy to get started and feel at loose ends...but like something is hanging over me.

Which is, to be honest, what this business is always like, so it's not like I'm surprised.

On the random things front, I was interviewed for a documentary on otome back in December. They came out to the house. I talked a lot and probably sounded like an (obsessed) idiot but they seemed to think it was good. Not sure if this is the kind of thing my agent would hit me over the head for or not, but, eh. I enjoy what I enjoy. Hopefully I didn't sound too stupid. It was interesting to do. I do enjoy talking about my random obsessions. I (obviously) think about all this stuff way too much and it was nice to talk about it with people who understood what I was talking about.

Family things have settled down some. Did I talk about the INCITING INCIDENT already? Not sure. I think I was avoiding it. Hubby is no longer in his CEO role that we'd thought he'd be in for the next 3 to 5 years. You know, the stable paycheck thing with a possible big payout. He's back doing consulting and startup-y stuff. It's good and bad. Obviously less stable and consistent, but more the kind of work he likes to do. The stress of it is settling down and I think longterm that it'll be a good thing. Was just a bit of a shocker right before the holidays. He's sorted himself out a workspace locally and shared workspace around London, which is good. He's a very high stress individual and we both want to kill each other when he's around the house too much.

I am doing my best to support him. There's not much I can do, really. Just listen. And not talk about my own work because, let's face it, he's not really interested or he wants to give me lots of advice when he doesn't really understand the business or how it works -- he wants to apply his normal no-nonsense razor's edge to it and it just doesn't work that way. Anyway, not much to talk about there anyway. Since I'm on hold.


I have a bit of a sad today too. Not sure why. I'm feeling old and blah. Not even sure why. Maybe it's winter. The Winter of Our Discontent.

I imagine it's a lot of things.

Sometimes I feel like I've missed my chance. At a lot of things. But it is what it is.

Meh, you know what, I don't feel like blabbering on about any more depressing stuff or stress. Let's go back to our normally scheduled Blogging About My Distractions.

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